Dream Journal

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Averted Creepypasta

Dated Wednesday, April 3, 2024

I had a dream where I downloaded a Pokémon Gen 1 ROM so I could play it again, and it turned out to be a ROM hack in disguise that has a screamer near the start of the game and then ends. The download page actually mentioned this up front but I didnt read it.

Fortunately, I knew what was coming because this is a recurring theme in my dream. I literally woke myself up once during a similar dream when I realized: "Oh, a screamer is coming, this is a dream, let me just wake myself up." I didn't realize I was dreaming, but I did cover my eyes so no spooky stuff was seen.

Also they added in a sprite for the wedge product of differential forms for some reason.

Addendum: The following details were not in my original description of the dream and are based on memory. I believe the screamer occured in Route 1, during the first wild Pokémon encounter. The wedge product sprite either showed up as the wild Pokémon, or within the health bar. I don't remember which. The website which hosted the ROM had black text on a white background, and was pretty clearly the work of a tinkerer.

Indian Men

Dated Saturday, March 30, 2024

Tonight, I had a dream that I was an Indian man living in a small decaying European-looking village (idk) living in poor conditions, so i decided to escape by trekking through the countryside.

After climbing mountains and passing through treacherous forests, I got to the next village, which is a bit bigger. But I am so, so tired. Then, I see another Indian man who also just arrived and he seems to be not tired at all and in good spirits.

He hints that his mattress (I was laying down on a mattress at this point, even though I was still outdoors and didn't bring one with me... or was I on the ground?) had a little knob that could be controlled with a pin. He said this in a way that made him look a little deranged. The phrase "but it sure is ...!" was included, but I don't remember what he said.

Then a narrator says something along the lines of "Do you want to know how it feels to be the one being controlled?" and everything fades to black. When it fades back in, I am in a dark room lit by a fireplace in front of me. I am still laying down on my stomach, now on a leather surface. Schubert's Ave Maria is playing in the background. I hear it coming from within me. I feel a needle poking into my neck, which controls the volume. I cannot see who is doing it.

Cook the Turkey

Dated Monday, November 20, 2023

(In response to this video) This reminds me of a dream I had today where I used a vacuum cleaner with decorative flame throwers inside of my room for warmth while wearing only a towel (among other things).

Struck by Thunder

Dated Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Today, I had a dream where I was in an office cubicle and an old man came up to me, got uncomfortably close, and said something along the lines of "I'm so sorry to bother you, but I just love mathematics so much, could you please search the number 90?"

I search it locally in my files and naturally only my files show up. I explain this to the old man and he seems disappointed. It would've been best for me to leave it at that, but I figure he wants me to look it up on Google specifically. So I do so. As I do so I overhear people talking about some kind of easter egg. Someone warns that I will be "struck by thunder."

My curiosity piqued, I press enter and find that the search results are replaced with a creepy picture of a doll with soulless eyes laying down on the floor at a dutch angle. as i repeat the search, the doll starts gradually looking at me, like in the Username 666 video.

Before I can see how it ends, the old man seemingly faints, collapses on top of me and I cannot move. Then I feel "struck by thunder," that is, I feel a choking/tickling sensation on my neck. It stays like this for a while until I wake up. It seems an awful lot of my dreams end with a tickling sensation on my neck combined with paralysis. perhaps I should ask my doctor about that.

★ The Real Numbers are Evil ★

Dated Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Context: At the time I was experimenting with the least upper bound property of nZ, where n is a rational number, as well with using rounding to truncate polynomials, just to see the extent to which the properties of real numbers and limits could be replicated with them.

I ran out of SSRI pills (Lexapro) and it was only prescribed to me for a month anyways, so I Googled if SSRI withdrawal can cause unfathomable nightmares and I read that it can cause "vivid dreams." Understatement of the century.

It all started fairly innocently. The dream started with me trying to fall asleep (?!?!?!) and then (??!?!!?) happened and then at some point and basically the first thing i remember clearly was seeing what seemed to be a GIF with only two frames on my computer:

The first was a like a low quality JPEG of a field of grass and flowers with a rainbow in the background and the symbol for the rational numbers Q on it, and another with the "What's Wrong?" screamer face with the symbol of the real numbers R inside the mouth. The slides were alternating quickly and irregularly. There was no audio.

Side note: I first saw the "What's Wrong?" screamer face in a Where's Waldo-themed bait and switch flash game that I stumbled across as a little kid under the name "BOMBEROS" (Firemen). It clearly left an impression (some might say trauma) and it has been a recurring villain in my nightmares ever since.

Well, at some point I scream horribly, and now i have severely restricted vision. I get up to do stuff, and I can vaguely see what I'm doing but I still feel like I'm laying down, sleep paralyzed. At some point I do end up back in bed, sleep paralyzed, but eventually the confusion is lifted away. Somehow, my mom explains to me what happened (telepathy?) and I quickly corroborated it.

There is a lot of math written on the walls with very nice handwriting that I did while I could vaguely see, but then there was also a crudely drawn staircase and some smiley faces very much not in my style of drawing.

The math clearly had summations, ordered pairs, the indexed Greek letters σ₁ and σ₂ (which I was using as part of my investigations), and the triple equal sign. I dont think it was gibberish. it looked a lot like a construction of the rational numbers, which i guess would be appropriate?

A recurrent theme of the dream was that the rationals were good and the irrational reals were somehow evil or possessed. Perhaps my frantic scribbling was an attempt at a self exorcism. "The power of the rationals compels you!"

This isn't even half the dream. More to come.